Sunday, May 18, 2008

I haven't posted for a while....

Have you ever just been talking about different things and suddenly a realization hits. I have been sabotaging my weight loss. I think my problem began when my friend who had the weight loss at the same time as me began showing me her skin. She could literally pick her skin away from her body. YUCK!!! She has to roll up her skin to put it into her bra. I don't want to look like her. She literally has the body of a 90 year old. While I am beginning to sag in certain areas, I am not as bad as she. Also, I am only in a size 14 while she is currently in a size 3. Big difference! I still need to lose about 50 lbs to get to goal, but I know that I will gain back approximately 15% of what I have lost. Since I realized that I was purposely not losing weight I have made some adjustments with my life and because of the changes I am once again losing weight. The big thing to remember is that not everyone will look like a 90 year old after losing weight. Our skin is different and genetics plays a big part in what our skin will look like. Don't not lose weight because of what you might look like. Just be healthy.
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