Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Hmm, let's get organized...

This is one thing that I have to do for me. The biggest question I have asked myself is how exactly do I do this? If you google organization you get a variety of topics and trying to sort through all of them can seem a bit daunting, but you may get lucky like myself and hit upon a good idea. A home management notebook. Sounds like an interesting idea doesn't it? I love this idea. It sounds great and the only problem I have noticed is that my life just doesn't seem to fit into the notebooks that other people have made for their families. Every family is different and my family is no exception. My family consist of three children, a dog, a guinea pig, a Marine who deploys often and myself. I work full time and am finishing up my degree in Social Psychology. I have yet to read any two blogs that are the same in every aspect. For this reason I have decided to make notebook that will fit my life and will appeal to me visually. Let's face it, if it isn't cute, then I don't want it. :) I have pulled out my scrapbooking tools (for which I have never used) and have made a trip to Staples to purchase a notebook and dividers that I think will work for me. (I purchased a 1 1/2 binder with a clear view front, side and back.) I have sheet protectors in stock and have printed off enough ideas to hopefully get my entire notebook started. So, I am off and running and can't wait to see how it turns out! I'll keep you posted and upload pics if I can figure out how to do it on this computer. ;p
Bama Girl's Ramblings. Design by Exotic Mommie. Illustraion By DaPino